Friday, September 2, 2011

Let's give this a whirl!

While not quite what any archive is, the name of my blog brings a chuckle when said, and hopefully let's people remember its name.

And speaking of blogs with great names, one of my favorites has just that: The Proverbial Lone Wolf Librarian.  I found solo librarian John Lang's blog when I was writing my paper for 204 on Lone Arrangers and Solo Librarians in 2009.  At the time, he wrote his posts himself without many images and commented on current library happenings.  Then he started adding more images, ppts and videos.  I soon became unemployed and then he became unemployed.  He found work before I did and became a "Digital Librarian."  The only downside is that he is so busy, his blogs aren't as personal as they once were, but are still extremely informative.  He uses Twitter and usually tweets at least once a day pointing to his favorite post.

Web 2.0 seems to give archivists a great outlet for their current musings on many subjects, provides a sounding board for current projects and shameless self promotion! 

This image appealed to me from this week's readings of the Ford Archives:

Race car driver Barney Oldfield (25 yrs old at the time) and Henry Ford in Ford's 999 race car in 1903.

Maybe it's because I just bought my new used Prius this week:

Not as young and certainly not as cool but my own little slice of America's fascination with the automobile.

1 comment:

  1. The Ford race car looks like a stripped down Ford in that pic. Take a look at a similar race car in all its glory (red). (actually just a scale model). What a difference between that and your Prius when it comes to comfort and design.
